About SCTA

Programmes, tasks and objectives of the Slovenian Corporate Treasurers Association are:

  • Organized enhancement of corporate finance with the preparation, participation and support of various professional meetings and courses considered to be important by the Association's members, especially if they support the development of the corporate finance profession.
  • Cooperation with the Slovenian Institute of Auditors, with the Slovenian Association of Accountants, Financiers and Auditors and with the Slovenian Association of Tax Consultants.
  • Organization of meetings for finance professionals with the objective of mutual cooperation, exchange of experiences and professional education.
  • Preparation of statements at legislation changes relating to corporate finance and other related areas.
  • Enhancement of the use of the Code of Ethical Conduct for Corporate Treasurers.
  • Research on fields relating to corporate finance and other related areas.
  • Cooperation with institutions like the Ministry for Finance of the RS, Slovenian National Bank, Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and others influencing the work of corporate treasurers and the financial market.
  • Popularize corporate finance among young people earning university degrees or postgraduate degrees of business sciences, economics and related fields.
  • Cooperation with similar associations and organizations abroad.
  • Other.
Rovšnikova ulica 2, 1210 Ljubljana - Šentvid +386 (0)31 548 217 info@ zpfs.org